About me...

Phone: 7323766030, Ext. 23-431


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Luz Malave


My favorite aspect of being a School Counselor is speaking to students and their families. I was born and raised in Perth Amboy and the first to go to college in my family. I completed ONE college application, and I am forever grateful to Rutgers for the life-changing opportunity. My parents were not able to help me with the college process, but they motivated me and believed in me. They made it clear that education was a priority. This is what has motivated me to push forward. I try to help parents understand that they have so much power, even when they may feel powerless. Through my daily conversations with students, I try to help them understand that their struggles do not define their potential. I proudly display my Rutgers acceptance letter in my office because I feel that I have a duty to help inspire them. I am a proud graduate of Perth Amboy High School and once a Panther...always a Panther!