Eisenstein, Liza
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Biology Syllabus
Biology is the branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes.
The course is broken down into ten units:
1. Nature if Science and Characteristics of Life
2. Large Biological Molecules
3. Cell Structure and Function, Cell Specialization, and Homeostasis
4. DNA, Genes, Gene Expression, Mutations, and Biotechnology
5. Cellular Reproduction: Mitosis, Meiosis, and Chromosomal Mutations
6. Genetics and Inheritance of Traits
7. Evolution
8. Cellular Energetics: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
9: Ecology
10. Impact of Human Activity on Biodiversity
Materials needed: Chromebook Everyday, Pen or Pencil, Folder, and Notebook
Classroom Expectations:
1. Be prompt: If you are not in the room when the last bell rings, you will be marked late.
2. Be respectful and courteous-of yourself, others, and your surroundings.
3. Be prepared-bring above mentioned materials with you to class every day.
4. Safety guidelines-must be adhered to at all times.
I encourage you to be responsible. Complete missing work from days not attended. The number of days of the absence determines how many days you have to make up the work. (Ex: 1 day absent = 1 day to complete work). You can always find out what you missed by looking at your assignments in Google Classroom, as well as sending an email with concerns. If you need to discuss specific concerns, we can schedule a time to discuss.
Your grade is your responsibility. Be aware and knowledgeable at all times. Be sure to check Infinite Campus regularly. Point values may change, depending on the particular assignment.
Marking Period Only
HW/Participation 5%
Classwork 35%
Do Nows and Activities
Formal Assessment 60%
Labs, Quizzes, and Tests
Mid-term and Final Exams are 10% of the final grade.
LATE WORK: is penalized with 10% reduction for each day late.
Students will be exposed to various methods of learning: lecture, discussion, cooperative learning, videos, PowerPoint presentations, laboratory experiments, microscope work, group projects, and many hands-on opportunities will be provided.
Keys to Success:
1. Listen carefully during class discussions, and laboratory experiments.
2. Take notes well.
3. Participate in class and lab.
4. Be prepared every day.
5. Complete all assignments on time.
6. Think before you act!
7. Ask questions and have fun learning about our planet!
Marine Science Syllabus
Course Description
The Ocean defines and dominates everything about our planet. It covers most of our planet, is home to most of the life on Earth, regulates our weather and climate, provides most of our oxygen, and feeds much of the human population.
Stories about climate change, ocean acidification, overfishing, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. dominate the news. And the ocean provides over $43 billion per year to the economy in California alone. While it is obvious why understanding and protecting the ocean is so critical to the future health of our planet, it is sometimes difficult to understand how we got quite where we currently are.
This course demands successful completion of physics, chemistry, and biology while at Perth Amboy High School. It is strongly advised students be in their junior and senior years while taking this class.
Introduction to Marine Science seeks to successfully blend the physics and chemistry of Marine Science with the ecosystems and organisms that are more famous for living in them. Introductory Marine Science courses often focus primarily on the physical features of Earth and its seawater. Students entering the course will find that this course takes a holistic approach and seeks to tell a story about the ocean. The physical and chemical features of Marine Science make life possible in the seas and on land. Each unit comprises biological and physical science of distinct marine ecosystems, and the human driven effects that influence them.
Assessments – 60%
Classwork – 35%
Homework – 5%
LATE WORK: is penalized with 10% reduction for each day late.