Baltodano, Carlos
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My Program Philosophy
Perth Amboy High School
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I would like to welcome you and your child to World History—an integral and fascinating course that I am excited to be teaching! Please help me in your child’s education throughout the term. By doing so, you can help your son or daughter succeed and maybe even enjoy learning something new yourself. And why not? The more we all know about the history of the world around us, the more we can make sense of the world today.
Throughout the World History course your son or daughter will be using the text Pearson World History. This textbook provides a complete history of the modern world from the Renaissance through to the present day. This important story of our world’s history is told through an informative and richly illustrated narrative, supported by reading questions that check your child’s comprehension and special features that enliven the study of history.
My goals for the course are to help your child:
- develop a strong understanding and appreciation of World history
- see how World history fits into the larger scope of American history
- understand how World history influences life today
- recognize connections between World history and other disciplines
- build a solid Social Studies and academic vocabulary
- develop thinking skills that support the ability to challenge assumptions, think creatively, and solve real-life problems
- have fun!!
I would appreciate your help in furthering these goals. Simply encouraging your child as he or she explores World history will go a long way! Thank you for being an important part of your child’s learning experience this year.
Carlos Baltodano
Social Studies DepartmentPerth Amboy High SchoolWorld History Syllabus
Perth Amboy High School Mr. Baltodano - Room 10/16
9th Grade Academy email:
351 Mechanic Street Phone: (732) 376-5471
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
Course description:
This course encourages critical thinking, integrates history with geography, and makes
social and cultural connections with historical events. Students will be introduced to the
artists, musicians, literature and important people as well as to the facts of history.
The course has been written with an emphasis upon critical thinking, the development
of research skills, and expression. Although facts, dates, and people of the past are a large part of history, they do not have much meaning unless you can analyze their significance. Understanding relationships between people and events helps you make sense of the way the world is today. Understanding history requires you to think effectively. Therefore, you will be asked to translate information, interpret, determine cause and effect relationships, infer and draw conclusions, recognize points of view, detect bias, analyze to distinguish facts, opinions and values, synthesize, problem-solve, form hypotheses, and evaluate. The textbook, Pearson-World History, World Histroy rewards active reading with a dynamic structure, including sidebars and features on important people, technologies, art, literature, and key relevancies to our modern world.
Text: Pearson, World History
Participation: Students are expected to come to class each day prepared with a notebook and either a pen or a pencil to write with. It is also expected that all students will participate during all class discussions, class projects, group work and activities. Any student who comes to class unprepared or is not focused on the task at hand will not receive participation credit for that day.
Assignments: Each week reading assignments will be given from either the textbook or from handouts. Writing assignments will be given to summarize the major ideas and themes of the week’s readings. Students will also define vocabulary and answer questions from the book. One research paper will also be due in the middle of the second semester. Each assignment that is handed in must have your name, course name and period, my name and the date in the right hand corner of the page. If you are absent come see me either at the beginning or the end of class to get your missed assignments.
Late Work: Work not turned in by the end of a chapter unit will only be accepted until the day of the chapter test. After the date of chapter test, late work will not be accepted for a previous chapter. Each day an assignment is late past the due date, it will be marked down ten points. You will have three days to turn in late work with verification of an excused absent without a penalty.
Research Paper: The students will be required to complete a 10 page type written research paper on some aspect of World History. The paper will synthesize secondary sources and include primary source documents. The paper must include footnotes and a bibliography of sources.
Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. A final exam will be given at the end of each marking period . It will cover all of the material studied during the marking period.
Extra Credit: Students may earn extra credit by bringing in examples of the vocabulary and personalities used in print and writing a unique detail about it. Students can earn up to 5% extra credit for the semester.
Grades: Grades will be given based on completion and performance on all assignments, quizzes, and tests as well as participation. A-100%-90%, B-89%-80%, C-79%-70%, D-69%-65%, F-64% and below.
Participation = 5%
Assignments = 5%
Quizzes = 30%
Tests = 60%
Total = 100%
Perth Amboy 9th Grade AcademyCareer Choices Syllabus
A Freshman Transition Class
A Guide for Teens and Young Adults
“To Choose What You Want to Do, You First Have to Know Who You Are”.
What is Career Choices?
Career Choices & the online 10-year plan is an interdisciplinary curriculum that engages students and teachers in an interactive learning process, helping them develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to successfully:
- examine their own lives
- explore and evaluate a wide range of education and career options, and
- make reasoned and researched goals for their future.
- Career Choices Guidance Curriculum
- Real-World Math/Lifestyle Math
- Possibilities – English Language Arts Anthology
Course Expectations
- Be in Dress code before entering class (i.e. ID Badges, etc..)
- Be on TIME, READY and PREPARED to learn.
- Take Responsibility for your own learning
- Respect one another, take responsibility for yourself, your actions and your mistakes.
- You must participate and contribute to the daily discussions; it is expected and required that you do so.