• Financial literacy is understanding and effectively using various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. When you are financially literate, you have the foundation of a relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning. The earlier you start, the better off you will be, because education is the key to success when it comes to money.  

    Expected Behavior

    The following are behaviors expected of all people in this classroom:

        1.  Mutual respect/No put-downs

        2.  Truth and trust

        3.  Bring class materials-books, paper, pen/pencil, etc.

        4. Don’t talk when I’m talking, or when anyone else has permission to talk (active listening)

         Personal best.


    Continued failure to follow expected classroom behavior will result in:

    • Consultation with student and/or class detention.
    • Contact parent/guardian
    • Referral to administration

    Homework Policy:

    NO late homework will be accepted unless absent.

    Absences and Makeup Work:

    ·         If homework was due, it is to be turned in the day you return to class.

    ·         If you miss class, it is your responsibility to retrieve any missed work either via email, another classmate, or before school.  

    You will have Three days from date of return to turn in any missed work.
    Google classroom codes for 2021 MP1 and 2:
    Period 1 Financial Literacy
    Period 2 Financial Literacy
    Period 3 Digital Lit.
    Period 4 Financial Literacy
    Period 6 Financial Literacy
    Period 7 Financial Literacy
    Period 8 Financial Literacy