• Course Overview:

      This course explores self-identity as well as the subtleties and layers of the question "Who am I and how I relate to the world?”.  Students evaluate what forces (childhood, heritage, nature or nurture, conformity/non-conformity, place, time, education, ethics) have shaped their unique perspectives.  Several genres of texts are analyzed, including novels, short stories, poems, plays, and film. Students question, interpret, and make judgments about texts with increasing independence. They write in multiple genres, and use writing as both a way to learn and as a means of expression. Students will practice critical literacy and collaboration skills as learning strategies for both reading and writing.

    Vision of the Successful Student and Core Competencies:

     A successful student in this course will…

    • use a variety of reading strategies to respond and interpret texts.  
    • write in a wide variety of genres; experience different writing processes; and use a variety of writing techniques.  
    • challenge the attitudes, values, and beliefs that lie beneath the surface of a text (critical literacy)
    • consider the purpose for the text and the composer’s motives; hold multiple interpretations to a single text.  
    • value the ideas of others, share ideas in class discussions,  and develop skills as a peer responder.
    Students will be exposed to a variety of literary genres, including but not limited to: 
    • Fiction
    • Short Stories
    • Novels
    • Nonfiction
    • Vocabulary and Grammar
    • Poetry
    • Essays
    • Elements of Writing - including creative, research and report writing
    • Modern Drama
    • Online Learning Experience
    • Use of Library and Bibliographic resources, MLA format, resume and research skills
    • How to avoid Plagiarism

      Evidence of Student Learning/Grading:

    10% Participation: (reading assignments, skill-building exercises, activities and assignments given during class time).

    30% Quizzes:   (writing process grades, reading comprehension checks, etc.)

     60%  Tests: (papers, projects, tests, etc.)

    Code of Conduct:

    We will be In the classroom, respect is paramount. The most serious issue will arise if someone gets in the way of another student’s learning. This will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.
    My policy is to have Progressive Discipline, including the following, but not limited to:
    1. Verbal and Written Warning - discuss the behavior with the student/warning given.
    2. Parent Contact - call home and discuss student's behavior with parents
    3. Write a referral on the third infraction
    4. Recommend student to the discipline committee for appropriate action.
    Classroom Rules

     1)  Arrive on time. 

     2)  Come to class prepared.  Bring your class materials and a writing utensil.  You will NOT be allowed to leave class to visit your locker!

     3)  Respect others, myself, and yourself.  Listen when others are speaking, and raise your hand when you wish to speak.  Do not interrupt or talk over your peers.

     4)  Hall passes will only be provided in cases of emergency.  Go to the restroom and get a drink of water between classes.  

     5)  Remain in your assigned seat unless otherwise noted.  Do not walk around the room, open/close windows, sit in tables, or sit in another student’s desk.

     6)  Hate Speech/Bullying:  Disrespectful speech will not be tolerated.  This includes, but is not limited to, using the word “gay” as a synonym for stupid/pointless/etc. 

     7)  Absences:

    • School Related- You must see me before your absence.  All work must be complete prior to the absence unless otherwise noted.
    • Unplanned- See me when you return to pick up any missed assignments.  Make-up assignments must be turned in no later than the number of school days the student missed.  Quizzes/tests must be made up within one week of your absence.  

     8) Assignment completed by expected due date. Sufficient time will be given for assignment completion. No Late work will be accepted.

     9) Respect classmates and Perth Amboy High School staff and Faculty
    10) Cell Phones and all electronic devices are NOT permitted in class.  If they are seen or used they will be taken.
    11) Food, beverages, and gum are NOT permitted in class.
    12) I am available by email. Please make an appointment if and when you have issues or concerns.
    Updated: September 21, 2021