Mintmier, Maria
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English II and III Syllabus & Procedures
Ms. Maria Mintmier
Class Objectives
The following is an essential list of our core course objectives for the semester/school year. With hard work and dedication, we can accomplish all of this and much, much more:
- To become career and college ready.
- To gain a reservoir of literary cultural knowledge..
- The ability to evaluate intricate arguments.
- Effectively produce numerous pieces of writing, devoting significant time and effort.
- Contextually build and strengthen grade-appropriate vocabulary and reading comprehension
Required Materials
- Chromebook
- Assigned Texts
- Folder (Google Drive)
Grading Policy
A student’s grade is a result of the student’s own hard work/effort put forth towards that grade. Students earn the grades that they receive—they are not randomly created by the teacher. The following is the systemic breakdown of the grading system:
- 60% Tests/Quizzes
- 35% Class participation, In- Class assignments
- 10% Homework
Class Rules
- Be on time. If you are not in class working on the DO NOW at the sound of the late bell, you are late.
- The bell does not dismiss you—I do. Please do not line up at the door.
- Come prepared to learn, both physically and mentally. Be in uniform, and have your required materials readily available.
- Be respectful. There is zero tolerance for bullying. Also, respect our room—help keep it clean and orderly.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is the unauthorized, uncited use of another individual’s words and/or ideas. Cheating includes copying, sharing, and using cheat sheets or other written, verbal, or electronic information which is not your own. Both are illegal, and neither is tolerated in my classroom. Such activity that represents the use of plagiarism will result in loss of all potential credit for the assignment and referral to administration for further disciplinary action. Do not cheat—I will find out.
Absenteeism & Makeup Work
You are required to make up all missed work while absent or out of class for an excused purpose. This is your responsibility—you will not be personally reminded of this expectation every time you are not in attendance.
Please refer to our Google Classroom for the daily objective, Common Core lesson mastery standards, DO NOW assignment, class activities, lesson closure, homework, and supplementary materials, resources, and notes.
With this said, I understand that emergencies happen. Students may privately discuss with me the opportunity for an extension. Please know, I am very understanding and flexible, but this is in no way to be abused.
Late Work
- Class work should be turned in on time (either at the end of class or by the due date given).
- Points will be deducted for late assignments
- Please speak to us if there is an issue
- Homework assignments are due on their assigned dates.
- Points will be deducted for late assignments
- Please speak to us if there is an issue
Substitutes should receive the same level of respect you show me. In the rare and unfortunate event that I am absent, there is an expectation that all the substitute work I have arranged is to be completed. All classroom rules and procedures are to be followed like any other day.
Leaving the Classroom – Bathroom, Water & Nurse
It is advised that you use the bathroom or stay hydrated during passing time. However, in the event that you need to go during class time, please adhere to the following simple procedure and guidelines:
- Be advised, only one student is permitted to use the bathroom and water fountain at a time. Therefore, please be courteous to the needs of your classmates.
In the event that you need to go to the nurse, see me for a pass. I just want to make sure that you are okay, first. ☺
Completing Work Early
You completed every assignment, proofread it for accuracy, and turned it in. Now what? Here are your options:
- Quietly begin the night’s homework assignment.
- Be a leader—see if your peers need help! Obviously, major assessments (i.e., quizzes and tests) are a no-go.
- Free writing.
- Independently read.
Class Discussions & Debates
One of the most popular aspects of English class is debating on a wide range of topics that affect us in our daily lives. In this course, we will have many of these discussions, and I look forward to each one of them!
It is human nature to want to voice our opinion, but on the flip side, being a good listener is just as important as sharing your thoughts. When we have class discussions and debates, we have to employ etiquette.
- Have a question or comment about something a classmate or I say? Raise your hand, wait for the speaker to finish, and then voice your thoughts.
- Make eye contact with your peers, especially if you are replying to something they specifically said.
- Discussions need to happen with you—I do not believe teachers standing in front of a room and have students listening and responding, if at all, to them. We learn from each other, and that also means I learn from you!
- Are you shy about speaking up in class? Not to worry—we will be doing a lot of small group activities that provide opportunities for shy speakers who still want to share their voice.
Technology – Google Classroom
As part of this course, it is mandatory that you register for Google Classroom