• E-Books

  • Sebco Books


    Open Library













    Bluford High






    Shonen Jump Manga













    Classicly Books












    Many Books














    Sebco BooksThis link will give you access to a collection of 74 fiction/nonfiction books on various topics. The username/password is located here. (Please login with your school email for password access).




    Open Library is an online project with the goal of providing access to millions of in-print and out-of-print books.  





    Riveted by Simon Teen is an online community for anyone that loves young adult fiction! You can read YA books for free, however, you must register.  Also, the free YA books are only available for a limited time.  



    Comixology, an Amazon.com, Inc. subsidiary, is a revolutionary, cloud-based digital comics service.  The site contains about 700 free comics.  




    The Bluford Series:  All twenty-one of the Bluford Series books are available in audiobook format. Click on a cover to go to the audiobook.





    Shonen Jump: This site offers free weekly Manga/Anime chapters.  



    Bookrix: has almost 1000 free ebooks in its Juvenile fiction category.  These are available for free download in EPUB or for free reading online.  





    Booksie: has over 13,000 works in its young adult category.  These range from short stories to novels and are unique works of unpublished authors.  All are available for free reading online or free download in PDF (press "Generate eBook" button).





    Classicly: has almost 1800 free novels in its Young Adults collection.  These are available for free download in PDF or Kindle format.




    DigiLibraries has over 2,000 free ebooks in their juvenile fiction category as well as over 200 works in the juvenile non-fiction category and 27 free ebooks in their juvenile horror and ghost stories category.  Most are available for free reading online as well as a free download.




    Many Books: has over 2400 free classic books available for online viewing or download in an extremely large variety of formats.