Chapman, Keith
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Welcome to Honors Chemistry.
Welcome to Honors Chemistry. This course will require students to use academic abilities, to critically analyze problems and to participate in class discussions. You will learn about various topics including mixture separation, atoms/compounds/molecules, periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, physical and chemical changes, states of matter, stoichiometry, acids and bases, thermochemistry, energy and radioactivity. We will also look at practical applications of chemistry, and how it relates to everyday life. Laboratory activities will be conducted on a regular basis.
My schedule for Panther Enrichment Center will be posted in google classroom.
Please contact me if you have any questions using email or google classroom private message.
GOOGLE Classroom
Class announcements will be made using Google Classroom.
Course materials will be located in the Classwork Section of Google Classroom. I post a variety of information, resources, extra help and links on there related to class. I will be using this often.
You can find the class website from the staff pages. All materials, class resources will be posted to Google Classroom.
Text: We are using an online Discovery Education Textbook. Link to be provided on Google Classroom along with supplemental materials.
Chromebook, class notebook, folder or binder, assignment planner and pen/pencil. Highlighters and sharpies are recommended and helpful.
Assignments may consist of: quizzes, notebook quizzes, tests, homework, projects, notebook checks, do nows, closings, laboratory assignments, activities and reports.
Tests will be announced in advance. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
Assignments, including homework, are periodically collected and graded without prior notice.
Daily do nows, class work, lab assignments, homework and exit tickets are expected to be completed on time.
Daily participation is expected, you may be called upon without notice. Raise your hands please.
Questions must be answered in complete, detailed sentences, supported by evidence either obtained during class, found online or from the textbook.
You MUST do your own work, including in labs and assignments. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. School plagiarism policy will be enforced.
Participation points may be awarded for actively engaging discussions about material.
Please follow all safety rules provided in class. Roaming, touching equipment without instruction and/or horseplay is not permitted.
Cell phones are not permitted in class. The school cell policy, including use of the cell phone pouches will be enforced per teacher instructions.
Be on time and seated before the late bell rings.
Do not enter the class without a teacher present.
Food, drinks, candy and gum chewing are NOT permitted in the classroom.
Closed footed shoes (sneakers or boots) are required for all lab activities. The shoe must cover your feet, and fit so that they do not present a trip hazard. Flats are not appropriate for lab activities.
Remain seated until the bell rings.
Partial credit will be given certain assignments and subject to a limited time frame given in class.
The student is responsible for obtaining and making up any missed work due to absences.
The student is responsible for obtaining all notes, do-nows and discussion material.
If you know you are going to be absent, please contact me and I can forward you work through google classroom.
Cheating and plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and referral to the appropriate administrator.
You must sign out when leaving the class.
Follow all policies cited in the student handbook.
Failure to follow the class policies and expectations may result in grade penalty, change of student's seat, after-school detention, parent contact, referral to the appropriate assistant principal.
Summative assessments including tests, labs, projects and quizzes 60%
Classwork, participation, and other assessments 35%
Homework 5%
Listen carefully to directions.
Write down all notes.
Review a little each day.
Read the topic and/or chapter ahead of time.
Don’t procrastinate and wait until the last minute.
Participate in class.
Rewrite questions from homework assignments and worksheets.
Refer to my website for links to various tutorials.
If you are absent obtain the work before your next class.