• The best way to contact me is by email. I check my email throughout the day.

    Click here to view some award-winning work by Mrs. Wintemberg's students from past years.

     Welcome to art class! 
    Mrs. Wintemberg teaches Advanced Design (A Communications Academy class for seniors)
    Visual Design (a Communications Academy class for juniors)
    Computer Animation ( a class open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors who have previously passed Foundations of Art.
    All information about Mrs. Wintemberg's classes can be found on my blog, 
    The Helpful Art Teacher. Please bookmark it and check it often. My blog contains many useful links for parents and students.
    If you have trouble contacting me, feel free to also use the email address listed on my blog.   
    If you ever need to get in touch with me quickly, an email is always the best option. If you wish for me to call you, even when school is not in session, please email me a phone number where you can be reached and the best times to call. I will call you within 24 hours and usually the same day.                                             
    Mrs. Wintemberg's Website: http://thehelpfulartteacher.blogspot.com/